發布時間: 2024-03-21 10:58 更新時間: 2024-12-02 08:00
【二】西門子PROFIBUS CP卡與操作系統兼容表
1) CP5613 FO is released under Windows 7.2) The module is not released forconfigured mode under Windows 7 with SIMATIC NET CD V8.0.3) only if before a CP5611 A1 was installed(spare part case)4) The module is not released for configured mode under 64 Bit operatingsystems with SIMATIC NET DVD V8.2 and higher version.5) The module is supported since SIMATIC NET DVD V8.2 SP1.6) The module is supported since SIMATIC NET DVD V12 + HF1.7) The module is not released for configured mode with SIMATIC NET DVD V12and higher version.8) see Entry-ID: see Entry-ID: from Version 1511 Build 10586【三】西門子工業以太網CP卡與操作性兼容表
X1) Since DK-16xx V2.1 the Windows-Driver for the CP1616 is delivered in addition to the Linux-Driver.
X2) Usage is possible but in dependency on system environment there could be incompatibility.
Changedate: 05.04.2019
X4) from Version 1511 Build 10586
X3) Release is valid for NDIS driver!
X5) Windows 10 (64 Bit) is supported since DK-16xx V2.7.0.
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